2016 new! 58% off Fossil Kinley Cross Body $75.21
- Amazon.com offers the Fossil Kinley Cross Body for $75.21.
- Free Shipping to US on orders over $50.
- Estimated shipping weight 2 lbs.
- 不能直邮到海外,建议走转运,近期低价,发货重量约2磅。
Fossil Kinley Cross Body
Fossil stands for the optimism and creativity at the heart of American culture. Since 1984, we have shared our quality products with our fans as we celebrate living an authentic life.
Founded in 1984, the Fossil brand was the springboard for everything the company has become for more than a quarter of a century. Fossil prides itself on its commitment to American vintage inspiration. This commitment has allowed for a strong retail presence globally, with more than 400 retail locations, 4,000 wholesale locations and 13,000 employees worldwide.
Alongside the Fossil Brand, the company is constantly developing its multi-brand portfolio. Our diverse portfolio of world-class brands gives us a unique position in the global marketplace. And we’re only getting bigger.
Understated adornment Kinley is signed, sealed, and delivered. Eye-catching exterior pocket makes this embellished leather silhouette one of our favorite new shapes of the season.
- Leather
- Imported
- cotton lining
- Zipper closure
- 2 Zipper Pocket, 1 Media Pocket
此款Fossil Kinley Cross Body女 士真皮斜挎包,采用柔软的头层牛皮制成,皮革的质感和纹路的处理都体现出包包的设计感。正面前袋撞色设计,翻盖上的氧化铜铆钉配合品牌LOGO,大胆时 尚,个性十足。前侧包括一个翻盖前袋和一个拉链前袋,背侧也设有一个拉链侧袋,足够分类放下你的各类随手物品。主袋拉链开阖,内设一拉链侧袋和一插袋。尺 寸约为33*23*9cm,容量实用。肩带可调节。简单百搭的款出街必备。
Fossil Kinley Cross Body, Vanilla, One Size
- 2 Zipper Pocket, 1 Media Pocket
- 2 Zipper Pocket, 1 Media Pocket