AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones $59.00
to Malaysia - RM322
- Amazon.com offers the AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones for $59.00.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $23.14.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $82.14.
to Singapore - S$97
- Amazon.com offers the AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones for $59.00.
- Shipping fee to Singapore is $12.83.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $71.83.
to China - ¥507
- Amazon.com offers the AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones for $59.00.
- Shipping fee to China is $7.21.
- Estimated tax to be collected is $11.80.
- Total payment in USD is $78.01.
AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones
The AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones are built to give you comfort, portability and durability wherever you wear them. Made for professionals and music enthusiasts alike, the K167’s are equipped with 1.6″ (40 mm) drivers that are designed to deliver consistent sound reproduction whether you’re mixing in the DJ booth or just listening on the subway. The over-ear, closed back earcups are built to reject outside noise that may otherwise interfere with your listening experience. They are equipped with the convenient 3D-Axis folding mechanism that allows for compact, flat storage. Made from XRP³ Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer parts to withstand wear-and-tear, the K167’s are built to endure frequent use. The included 1/8″ to 1/4″ gold plated adapter makes the K167’s a viable choice whether you are monitoring a band through a multi-track mixer, or listening to music on your MP3 player.
这款AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones专业级便携DJ监听耳机,是AKG与TIESTO联合打造,由TIESTO亲自进行了调音,TIESTO是数次荣登年度DJ排行榜冠军的DJ大师。造型上,K167相比K67明显大了一圈,耳罩和头梁部分都变大变宽了,整体采用银色和黑色两种元素组成,使用XRP3高强符合材料,在耳机圆心处有TIESTO专属的T型猎鹰LOGO。在听感上,由于采用40mm的单元,三频较为平衡,但在低频部分更加强劲,封闭式腔体的构造,也带来优越的降噪效果。耳机采用3.5mm接口,也带了3.5mm转6.3mm的转接头,不管是专业设备还是电脑数码设备上都能使用。
AKG Pro Audio K167 TIESTO DJ Headphones
- 1.6" Drivers
- Built From XRP Reinforced Polymer
- 3D-Axis Folding For Flat Storage
- 1.6" Drivers
- Built From XRP Reinforced Polymer
- 3D-Axis Folding For Flat Storage