Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones Closed-Back $289.90

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$289.90 $649.00 BUY NOW
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$289.90 $649.00 BUY NOW

Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones

Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones

Deals & Coupons Detail Info

to Malaysia - RM1361

  • offers the Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones for $289.90.
  • Shipping fee to Malaysia is $28.22.
  • Import Fees Deposit is $31.81.
  • Total payment in USD is $349.93.

to Singapore — S$423

  • offers the Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones for $289.90.
  • Free shipping to Singapore.
  • Import Fees Deposit is $21.50.
  • Total payment in USD is $311.40.

to China — ¥2316

  • offers the Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones for $289.90.
  • Shipping fee to China is $10.10.
  • Import Fees Deposit is $57.98.
  • Total payment in USD is $357.98.

Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones

$289.90 $649.00

Product Description

This Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones with the unique Tesla technology now steps into the world of premium headphones. The fully metal sound transducers with powerful neodymium annular magnet ensure maximum performance and high fidelity. The closed design efficiently eliminates ambient noise. Even at a low volume the finest details can clearly be heard: controlled, analytical and balanced from ultra-deep bass to crystal-clear highs.Handmade in Heilbronn, Germany from high-grade components,puts it out of reach for the casual listener.

Using its proprietary ‘Tesla’ voice coil technology, Beyerdynamic claims the T70p can achieve professional-level accuracy with an impedance of only 32 Ohms. In essence, that means you should be able to drive the headphones with something as basic as a smartphone instead of requiring a dedicated headphone amplifier. If that’s true, it would make the T70p ideal for the audiophile on the move. We dug deep during several long listening sessions to find out.

这款Beyerdynamic T70P Headphones耳机在外观上延续了拜亚多年的经典设计风格。采用全封闭式结构设计,保证了隔音性和解析力,独有的特斯拉Tesla技术带来丰富的信息量和解析力。特斯拉Tesla是拜亚动力独有的耳机核心技术,依 托于这项技术,耳机单元磁体能够提供超过1特斯拉的电磁强度,大概约为普通耳机单元换能转化能力的两倍。通俗的讲就是耳机能量转化效率的提升,声音更有力量。声音整体风格表现为较直白,偏重监听的感觉。声音风格方面,低频下潜力度不是很深,但弹性很好,速度感很强,收放的过程要比开放式耳机短不少。中频出色,人声位置恰到好处,仿佛演唱者就在眼前,每一个细节都被还原出来但没有出现过重的修饰痕迹,齿音并不明显。高频和解析上,解析力出色。参数方面,频率响应范围为5-40000Hz,pro为低阻版,阻抗32欧姆,灵敏度104dB。声音素质非常出色。受限于封闭式结构,横向的音场被收的很紧,层次感不足,难以驾驭大场面的交响乐等多乐器环境。

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Beyerdynamic T70P Closed-Back Headphones

Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
Last update was on: February 19, 2025 20:45
Customer Reviews
  • I listen to pop, heavy metal, country, classic rock, blues, jazz, classical and wind ensemble music. It sounds fantastic with all of the above. I was concerned about the bass based upon some reviews that I read. The bass is great on my pair.
  • Beyerdynamic’s T70p took us on an elegant tour of deep textures, spatial dimension, and vivid detail, the likes of which are hard to find. On top of that, the headset is supremely comfortable, allowing us to listen for hours at a time.
  • I have had the Beyerdynamic T5P since April. I travel every week; 4-6 flights per week; and my Beyer’s are that tranquil place, where I can listen to my music, without compromise. Sure they don’t completely block a jet engine; but enough to make the trip enjoyable and the music easy to listen to. While the T5Ps are being replaced; I thought let me try a less expensive alternative; but great quality, as a back-up. And since selling all my other closed can’s, I needed a back-up phone for when I travel with my wife.Clean, deep, decent soundstage, properly presented Treble, Mids and Lows, forward with incredible clarity. Frankly real close to the T5’s in quality, at less than ½ the price. I agree with a very fine review of the T70ps by Drew of moon Audio, on

  • I was very unimpressed with the overall sound. These have such a strange sounding midrange, especially for guitars in rock/metal. With these headphones the guitars sound artificial. Even some drum hits sound unnatural. Also, I don’t really like the wires going to each cup sticking out. I know that it is a necessary thing due to the gymbal design.
  • Bass lacks punch, price, treble may be too piercing.
  • I may have listened to 45 seconds of my reference music before I packed them up. Very clean, unforgiving musicality. The sound produced is absent warmth and displays little or no interest with invite you as the listener into the song. “Cold” is the description that comes to mind.