Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 8GB*2 DDR4 3000MHz $109.99
- Amazon.com offers the Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 8GB*2 DDR4 3000MHz for $109.99.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $15.70.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $125.69
The Dominator family of memory represents the ultimate in performance technology engineering from Corsair. The Dominator is designed to have the highest performing IC maximum over-clocking capability and efficient DHX cooling – all the while being stable and reliable. Very few components make it into the Dominator family. Corsair performs rigorous testing and screening on all components to select only the best for the Dominator modules. The tests check for high frequency and/or low latency capabilities for each IC. Then, they are thoroughly tested for maximum interoperability and reliability as a united group to meet the stringent design criteria demanded by performance computing and gaming users.
CORSAIR 海盗船的DOMINATOR Platinum面向的是发烧玩家,性能口碑都有着无上高位,巅峰级超频性加之信仰的光辉都使其成为壕家首选。上部的跑马灯散发着白色柔光,与白金统治者身份很是契合。这款海盗船白金统治者 16GB DDR4 3000MHz 内存套装,由2条DDR4 8G内存组成,频率3000MHz,CL=15,内存颗粒号称逐个手工筛选,1.35V低电压,拥有超强兼容性,两侧全铝覆盖,顶部散热片可拆卸。
Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 16GB DDR4 DRAM 3000MHz C15 Memory Kit for...
- Hand Screened Performance IC's
- DHX cooling
- Customizable light bar
- Performance and Compatibility
- Corsair Link compatibility
- Hand Screened Performance IC's
- DHX cooling
- Customizable light bar
- Performance and Compatibility
- Corsair Link compatibility