Lowest Price! Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB) $59.99
to Malaysia —— RM289
- Amazon.com offers the Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB) for $59.99.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $14.16.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $74.15.
to Singapore —— S$88
- Amazon.com offers the Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB) for $59.99.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $5.14.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $65.13.
to China —— ¥460
- Amazon.com offers the Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB) for $59.99.
- Shipping fee to China is $2.09.
- Import Fees Deposit is $9.00.
- Total payment in USD is $71.08.
This Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive , model CMFSL3X1-256GB, has a smart design with a USB connector that retracts for protection when you’re not using it. A blue activity LED tells you at a glance if it’s transferring data.It’s also universally compatible with Windows, Mac OS X and even Linux, with no driver necessary. It supports high-speed USB 3.0 transfers along with full USB 2.0 compatibility, so you can use it with virtually any desktop or notebook.
The actual results:
HD Tune 2.55
Transfer Rate – Minimum (MB/sec) – 99.9 (2nd place; 1st was 109.9)
Transfer Rate – Maximum (MB/sec) – 169.3 (1st place)
Transfer Rate – Average (MB/sec) – 163 (1st place)
Access Time (ms) – 0.06 (1st place)
Burst Rate (MB/sec) – 54.9 (2nd place; 1st was 55.9)
CPU Usage (%) – -1.0 (tied for 1st place)
CrystalDiskMark 4.0.3 x64
Seq Q32T1 Read (MB/s) – 144.7 (2nd place; 1st was 151.4)
Seq Q32T1 Write (MB/s) – 32.98 (2nd place; 1st was 43.23)
4K Q32T1 Read (MB/s) – 9.284 (1st place)
4K Q32T1 Write (MB/s) – 0.068 (2nd place; 1st was 0.125)
Seq Read (MB/s) – 84.95 (2nd place; 1st was 88.09)
Seq Write (MB/s) – 33.77 (2nd place, 1st was 37.12)
4K Read (MB/s) – 8.541 (1st place)
4K Write (MB/s) – 0.078 (2nd place; 1st was 0.09)
这款 Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB)海盗船滑雪者紧凑型U盘,容量为256GB,采用U盘滑动设计,可以很好的保护接口,在工作的时候蓝色的LED灯会亮起,USB3.0接口,主控为Phison PS2251,官方标称最高读取速度85MB/S,写入速度70MB/S,从网友的评测来看,实际读取速度可以达到百兆,但是写入速度比官方宣称的要差不少,无法和高速盘对比,毕竟价格摆在这里,适合日常使用对速度要求不高的场景。
Corsair Flash Voyager Slider X1 256GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive (CMFSL3X1-256GB)
- Convenient, compact size
- Capless design
- Blue activity LED
- High-speed USB 3.0 performance with USB 2.0 compatibility
- 5 years warranty
- Convenient, compact size
- Capless design
- Blue activity LED
- High-speed USB 3.0 performance with USB 2.0 compatibility
- 5 years warranty
- Lots and lots of space. Well made. Quick transfer time.
- Not a lot of people can say they have a 256GB flash drive, not to mention the cost (75$, just waited on the deal). So far it’s been very fast, and being double the space of the last unit, it’s very nice. Form factor is much better than units with a cap, and it’s very durable after two months. BigUP Corsair!
- 256 gigs and almost armor coated so it can hold up under serious abuse which with me seems to be normal. I can take my whole music collection on this with movies to spare or many photographs when traveling outside or within the U.S. This is really a nice product and Corsair does not skimp on quality.
- Is so wide that it disallows use of the other USB port on my MacBook Pro (2011)
- It isn’t the fastest drive out there, I ran a couple benchmark but the numbers are nothing to write home about. The drive is plenty fast to watch full HD movies from but copying to it can take a bit depending on file size.
- Write performance is average of none performance flash drives. A little bit more bulky then generic usb drive