Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor $39.95

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Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor

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Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor

$39.95 $99.95

Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor

Product Description

Whip up fresh fruit juices, vegetable juices and smoothies with this Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor. This juicer features a multi-blade assembly that chops fruits and vegetables down to separate the pulp, then extracts pure juice for optimal nutrient absorption.

Featuring a 16-ounce pitcher that holds enough juice for everyone at the breakfast table and a removable collection container that allows for quick disposal or storage of fruit and vegetable pulp, this versatile appliance is ideal for health-conscious families and anyone who prefers a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals over a morning cup of coffee. The included cleaning brush allows for easy maintenance, and the compact size makes it easy to fit this juicer in with your existing kitchen gadgets.

  • Powerful, easy and quiet operation
  • One-touch operation of on/off push button with blue LED makes juicer easy to use
  • Juice Pitcher holds up to 16 ounces of juice, and can be replaced for uninterrupted juicing
  • Pulp container collects up to 40 ounces and is removable for easy cleaning
  • Food Pusher fits securely into feed tube to guide fruits and vegetables properly while juicing
  • Cover with large feed tube minimizes prepping and pre-cutting
  • Adjustable flow spout is manually controlled and prevents dripping
  • Mesh filter basket and blade assembly grinds fruits and vegetables to extract maximum amount of juice; easily separates pulp; is removable for simple cleanup
  • Safety bar must be up and locked over cover for juicer to operate
  • Cleaning brush,BPA free

这款Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor美膳雅榨汁机,型号为CJE-500BW,食物接触部分都采用了不含双酚A材料,可拆卸设计,清洗起来也比较方便,机器紧凑小巧,不占空间。需要注意的是,美国销售的产品一般电压为110V,在其他地区需要使用电压转换器。

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Cuisinart CJE-500BW Compact Juice Extractor, Black Wrinkle

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Last update was on: March 1, 2025 21:30


Customer Reviews
  • I purchased this juicer yesterday and have already enjoyed two glasses of great tasting fresh juice. I was looking for a small juicer that can stay on my counter top and not take up too much space, this does the trick. It is significantly smaller than the Breville Compact. The only other juicers that have this small of a footprint cost three to four times as much.It is also very easy to clean by hand. I don’t have a dishwasher, so that was important. It helps to add a little water when juicing greens like parsley or kale.The juice produced is pulp-free and delicious. Highly recommended.

  • Cuisinart made a good sturdy product! The juicer is the perfect size, very easy to clean and is quiet. I downsized from my previous juicer due to its huge size and my lack of kitchen storage space.I knew that it wasnt going to be top of the line due to its price tag, but I was still hopeful. The product is good, solid, quiet and compact…. however, it is not very good at juicing leafy greens (which is what I juice most of the time).