Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner £282.99
Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner
to Malaysia - RM1500
- Amazon.co.uk offers the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for £282.99. Price drops to £235.83 at check out.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is £34.05.
- No tax.
- Total payment in GBP is £269.88.
to Singapore - S$557
- Amazon.co.uk offers the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for £282.99. Price drops to £235.83 at check out.
- Shipping fee to Singapore is £34.05.
- Import Fees Deposit is £18.89.
- Total payment in GBP is £288.77.
to China - ¥3174
- Amazon.co.uk offers the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for £282.99. Price drops to £235.83 at check out.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is £34.01.
- Import Fees Deposit is £70.75.
- Total payment in GBP is £340.59.
- 直邮到中国税费较高,建议通过转运,发货重量约10磅。
This Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner provides PC and Mac users an effective way to greatly reduce paper clutter, storage space, and security risks associated with unmanaged paperwork at home or the office.The iX500 can scan 25 pages per minute and can scan 1 and 2-sided documents in a single pass. The integrated 50-sheet automatic document feeder processes large documents in a single step, so you can digitize your documents quickly. This ScanSnap iX500 provides PC and Mac users an effective way to greatly reduce paper clutter, storage space, and security risks associated with unmanaged paperwork at home or the office. For even greater accessibility and usefulness, users can now scan wirelessly to a PC or Mac as well as iOS or Android mobile devices.
这款Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner 富士通彩色无线多功能扫描仪,机身尺寸仅为292×159×168mm,设计轻巧,底座的大小比一张A4纸都小。智能手机或平板电脑可以通过WIFI接收iX500扫描的数据,以PDF的格式存储。超声波多页进纸检测传感器,确保扫描的精准度,减少故障的发生。本扫描仪可以扫描的文件大小从名片一直到A3纸张的尺寸。机器支持最多同时扫描50份文件,每分钟扫描速度约20张左右,自动双面,自动横向竖向识别。
Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for PC and Mac (PA03656-B005)
- Blazing 25ppm color scanning
- Two sided scanning
- USB or Wi-Fi connection to a computer
- PC & Mac Compatibility
- Note: Specific driver - Windows®: Does not support Twain/ISIS® ; Mac OS: Does not support Twain
- Blazing 25ppm color scanning
- Two sided scanning
- USB or Wi-Fi connection to a computer
- PC & Mac Compatibility
- Note: Specific driver - Windows®: Does not support Twain/ISIS® ; Mac OS: Does not support Twain
- The best piece of office equipment I own, without question. Scans to the ipad, android phones and PC trouble free. Easy setup, very intuitive. Manual, scarcely, needed, as its very intuitive to setup and operate. I have hundreds of pieces of paper across multiple files & with this, I’m now going to go paperless. It scans the documents quicker than you can load them.The technology is amazing. What is more, I had a business card lodged in between bundles of a4 and it automatically crops the image, perfectly, around the business card. Hmm, guess you can tell I like it lol! Oh, & you get a bundled version on adobe acrobat x, so you can create PDFs.
- The scanner is a workhorse! I am a solo medical practitioner scanning patient charts into electronic records. Some of these charts are over 400 pages long. Most of them are comprised of crumpled, wrinkled, bent, ruffled, and otherwise imperfect pages. I babied the scanner with my initial forays but I quickly realized it has the ability to accept most anything except stapled documents (operator error). Even the occasional staple proved to be a simple fix – just open the scanner, yank out the papers, remove the staple, stuff the papers back in and hit the blue button. It keeps on scanning as if nothing happened. If you are scanning a long document it will not lose its place in the workflow even if you jam it up.I am so glad they suggested it as it is perfect for taking the scanner to and from my office. If you are “on the fence” jump off and get this scanner!
- I wanted a way to scan several 100 old b/w family photos, dating back to the 1930s, a lot of them had notes written on the back so being able to scan both sides was ideal. The scanner is connected to an iMac so I scanned them direct in to iPhoto. The quality of the scanned image is superb. I noticed later that the process also produced a pdf document of the scanned images. I also had lots of packs of “bonus print” photos and the scanner can handle a pack in one go with the touch on one button it scans a pack of 20 in a matter of seconds.
- I use this scanner daily. It was horrible to set up. I didn’t know I needed Microsoft office and Outlook. When I added Office and Outlook, it worked fine. After about 2 years it’s starting to jam up occasionally, but not bad. I’m not at all computer savvy, so others may not have the setup problems I’ve had. Also it was hard to get it to work with Windows 10, but I did it.. My biggest complaint is that it will turn a page upside down in a long scan for no reason. I just discovered ScanSnap for Dummies and it has an explanation on how to fix those. I haven’t done it yet, but a lot of people do complain about this.
- After a year of ownership, the scanner requires switching off at the mains for every scan, then a few minutes of playing around with the USB cable on each machine when, maybe, it might work as expected. Having been initially impressed with this unit when it worked, that it is so unreliable after the warranty has expired means I recommend people do not buy this product.
- The iX500 is a very good product, efficient and the scan quality is superb, however it’s not the most user friendly and will NOT scan to multiple machines without you first connecting it via USB.The scanner works by pairing itself with a single machine to allow it to connect to the scanner wirelessly. If you want to connect a second machine to the scanner via Wi-Fi, you must first plug it in via USB before you then pair it to the second computer and in doing so cut the connection between the first computer and the scanner.