Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch, Gray $374.99

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Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch, Gray

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  • offers the Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch, Gray for $374.99.
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Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch, Gray

$374.99 $499.99

Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch

Product Description

Up your game with the Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch in silver with a red band. This fitness watch was designed with multisport athletes in mind and records data useful to runners, cyclists, swimmers, climbers, hikers, skiers, paddlers, and more. It logs your location using a stainless steel EXO antenna that supports both GPS and GLONASS for enhanced accuracy, and can be used with a heart rate monitor to calculate your VO2.

The fenix 3 connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth Smart, allowing it to transfer its stored data to the phone and to receive notifications, text messages, and emails while on the go. It also functions as an activity tracker, silently logging your steps and encouraging you to get moving after an extended period of inactivity. When it’s time to rest after a long day of exercise, your fenix 3 will monitor your sleep and record periods of restful sleep or movement.

  • Omni-directional EXO™ stainless steel antenna, with GPS/GLONASS satellite reception, has the ability to track in more challenging environments than GPS alone
  • 1.2-inch sunlight readable Garmin Chroma Display™
  • Fitness training features like VO2 Max and Recovery Advisor (when used with a heart rate monitor¹)
  • Outdoor navigation features like 3-axis compass, altimeter and barometer, TracBack and Sight’n Go
  • Connect IQ™ compatibility for customized apps, widgets, watch faces and data fields

本次推荐的这款Garmin Fenix 3 ‑ Multisport Training GPS Watch佳明运动智能手表,采用了全金属的外壳,1.2寸的彩屏,分辨率为218×218,能提供在户外的高清晰显示。手表内置了GPS和Glonass定位芯片,搭配三轴加速度计、气压计、高度计、电子罗盘等传感器,可以判断使用者当前跑步、游泳、走路、睡眠等姿势,具备5ATM的防水能力,一次充电能续航6周,在GPS连续使用情况下,可以最长使用20个小时。

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Garmin fenix 3 GPS Watch, Gray

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Last update was on: February 28, 2025 04:55

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