Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker – Black Diamond $39.58
to Malaysia - RM220
- Amazon.com offers the Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker – Black Diamond for $39.58.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $15.40.
- No tax.
- Total payment is $54.98.
to Singapore - S$62
- Amazon.com offers the Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker – Black Diamond for $39.58.
- Shipping fee to Singapore is $6.20.
- No tax.
- Total payment is $45.78.
to China - ¥275
- Amazon.com offers the Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker – Black Diamond for $39.58.
- Shipping fee to China is $2.79.
- No tax.
- Total payment is $42.37.
Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker – Black Diamond
Stay on top of your health and fitness with the Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker. This wristband helps you keep track of your body with its activity tracking, sleep tracking, and Smart Coach functions, each of which take advantage of the UP2’s sensors to give you a better picture of your health.
The surface of the tracker has three LEDs, which alert you to the tracker’s state: blue is for sleep, orange is for activity, and white is for notifications. It can also connect to your Android or iOS smartphone via Bluetooth for advanced tracking and personalized tips. The UP2 is splashproof and its lithium-ion polymer battery lasts for up to a week.
- Easily track your activities and your sleep automatically
- Get personalized guidance from Smart Coach
- Smart Alarm(TM) silently wakes you at the optimal time in your sleep cycle
- Log your meals and use UP App Food Score to know if you are eating right
- Syncs wirelessly plus 10 days battery life
- Android compatibility – UP2, UP3 and UP4 are compatible with Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) or later.
- iOS compatibility – UP2, UP3 and UP4 are compatible with the following iOS devices:iPhone 4S or newer, iPod Touch 5th generation or newer, iPad 3 or newer, iPad Mini 1st generation or newer, iPad Air 1st generation or newer
这款Jawbone UP2 Sleep and Activity Tracker智能手环,一般被认为是UP24手环的升级产品,功能几乎没有差别,采用了全新的工业设计,体积缩小了45%,一改往常的可选多种尺寸,一种尺码,但可以通过不锈钢扣锁来调节。UP2仍旧采用了无屏幕的设计,可以显示3种颜色,蓝色表示睡觉,橙色表示运动,白色表示通知。内部带有震动马达,根据设置给与不同的提醒,待机时间约一周,机身仅能支持防溅水,当然基本的记步功能肯定是有的。
UP2 by Jawbone Activity + Sleep Tracker, Black Diamond, Classic Flat Strap
- Easily track your activities and your sleep automatically
- Get personalized guidance from Smart Coach
- Smart Alarm(TM) silently wakes you at the optimal time in your sleep cycle
- Log your meals and use UP® App Food Score to know if you are eating right
- Easily track your activities and your sleep automatically
- Get personalized guidance from Smart Coach
- Smart Alarm(TM) silently wakes you at the optimal time in your sleep cycle
- Log your meals and use UP® App Food Score to know if you are eating right
- Syncs wirelessly plus 10 days battery life
- The Up2 provides simple activity and automatic sleep tracking in a slim and fashionable design. The band has good battery life and can be worn in the shower. The Jawbone mobile app includes smart coaching and can be paired with many popular third-party apps.
- Stylish design. Comfortable. Helpful Smart Coach feature.
- It doesn’t have a display to quickly check fitness progress and there’s no heart-rate tracking. The sleep tracking tends to overestimate and the band can’t be worn while swimming.
- No real display. Not swim-proof.