LEGO Star Wars Assault on Hoth 75098 Star Wars Toy $199.95
Deal Score+7
Deal Score+7
Deals & Coupons Detail Info
- Amazon.com offers the LEGO Star Wars Assault on Hoth 75098 Star Wars Toy for $199.95.
- Estimated shipping weight 2.4 lbs.
- 不能直邮到海外,建议走转运,近期低价,发货重量约2.4磅。
LEGO Star Wars Assault on Hoth 75098 Star Wars Toy
Product Description
Set out on scouting missions with the Snowspeeder armed with twin spring-loaded shooters, and when you spot the enemy speeder bike, get back to base and help Luke, Han and the other Rebel heroes lock down the blast doors, ready the laser cannons, man the gun turrets with dual spring-loaded shooters and power up the devastating ion cannon, also with 2 spring-loaded shooters!
- Wall features slidable doors, service area with crane, control room area, power generator, ion cannon, laser turret, tauntaun stable and a wampa cave.
- Trench section features heavy blasters, laser turret with double spring-loaded shooters and space for a minifigure, and a laser cannon with rapid stud shooter.
- Lego star wars toy includes 14 minifigures with assorted weapons: luke skywalker, han solo, toryn farr, rebel officer, wes janson, wedge antilles, k-3po, 5 rebel troopers and 2 snowtroopers, plus an r3-a2, tauntaun and a wampa.
- Wall section including ion cannon measures over 5″ (15cm) high, 20″ (51cm) wide and 11″ (30cm) deep, trench section measures over 3″ (10cm) high, 13″ (35cm) wide and 4″ (11cm) deep.
- Weapons include luke’s lightsaber, 7 blaster pistols, 2 blaster rifles and 2 blasters, accessories include 7 hoth rebel helmets, 2 snowtrooper helmets, and wes and wedge’s flight helmets.
75098霍斯基地突袭基于《星战5》中霍斯回声基地的相关场景,包含2144片颗粒,再现了霍斯回声基地大门、发电机、控制室,抵抗组织与帝国对战的场景,此外还包含了雪怪的山洞。套装共有14个人仔,包括卢克天行者(Luke Skywalker)、汉•索罗(Han Solo)、 托丽恩•法尔(Toryn Farr)、抵抗组织官员(Rebel Officer)、韦斯•詹森(Wes Janson)、魏吉•安提列斯(Wedge Antilles)、K-3PO机器人、5个抵抗组织士兵、2个帝国士兵,此外还包含了R3-A2机器人、雪地座驾汤汤(Tauntaun)和雪怪(Wampa)。
LEGO Star Wars Assault on Hoth 75098 Star Wars Toy
- Wall features slidable doors, service area with crane, control room area, power generator, ion cannon, laser turret, tauntaun stable and a wampa cave.
- Trench section features heavy blasters, laser turret with double spring-loaded shooters and space for a minifigure, and a laser cannon with rapid stud shooter.
Last update was on: February 4, 2025 10:32
- Wall features slidable doors, service area with crane, control room area, power generator, ion cannon, laser turret, tauntaun stable and a wampa cave.
- Trench section features heavy blasters, laser turret with double spring-loaded shooters and space for a minifigure, and a laser cannon with rapid stud shooter.
- Lego star wars toy includes 14 minifigures with assorted weapons: luke skywalker, han solo, toryn farr, rebel officer, wes janson, wedge antilles, k-3po, 5 rebel troopers and 2 snowtroopers, plus an r3-a2, tauntaun and a wampa.
- Wall section including ion cannon measures over 5" (15cm) high, 20" (51cm) wide and 11" (30cm) deep, trench section measures over 3" (10cm) high, 13" (35cm) wide and 4" (11cm) deep.
- Weapons include luke's lightsaber, 7 blaster pistols, 2 blaster rifles and 2 blasters, accessories include 7 hoth rebel helmets, 2 snowtrooper helmets, and wes and wedge's flight helmets.