Gold Box!LifeStraw Mission Gravity Water Purifier , 5L $79.99

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$79.99 $154.95 BUY NOW
Deal Score+5
$79.99 $154.95 BUY NOW

LifeStraw Mission Gravity Water Purifier

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LifeStraw Mission Gravity Water Purifier , 5L

$79.99 $154.95

Product Description

This LifeStraw Mission Gravity Water Purifier is a gravity-powered water purifier employing an award-winning technology that requires no chemicals, batteries or moving parts. The LifeStraw Mission removes 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of protozoa, and 99.999% of viruses. The larger capacity of the Mission filter is ideal for providing clean water to groups. Hang it at base camp for your next backpacking, boating, or car camping trip. To use, simply fill the reservoir with the cleanest water available, fold the top to seal and hang the Mission from a sturdy support. Gravity moves water down the hose to the filter’s advanced ultrafiltration membrane. Clean water exits through 0.02 micron pores in the walls of the hollow fibers, but bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other contaminants are trapped inside and are flushed out by backwashing. Compact, BPA-free roll bag reservoir features a wide mouth and is easily filled with source water from a stream or lake. Shoulder carrying strap makes it convenient to travel back to campsite. Includes drawstring stuff-sack for easy storage and carrying. Includes four extra pre-filter screens for easy on-site maintenance. Produces flow-rate of 9-12 liters (2.4-3.2 gallons) per hour and will purify 18,000 liters over its lifetime. Available in 5 or 12 liter sizes. Weight: 13 oz (5L). For each LifeStraw product sold, one school child in a developing country will be provided with safe drinking water for an entire school year.

  • Gravity-fed, high-capacity, Hollow Membrane water purifier; ideal for group camping
  • Removes virtually all bacteria (99.9999%), protozoa (99.99%), and Viruses (99.999%) that can contaminate water
  • Compact roll-bag reservoir Available in 5 liter (1.3 gallon) and 12 liter (3.1 gallon) sizes
  • Easy to use and maintain; requires no chemicals, batteries, pumping or moving parts
  • Lifetime filtration capacity of 18,000 liters (4,755 gallons)

本次推荐的LifeStraw Mission Gravity Water Purifier户外生命水袋,容量为5L,依靠重力自动滤水,选用先进的中空超滤膜,过滤膜孔径仅0.02微米,可过滤最多18000升水。配合先进的VESTERGAARD中空超滤膜技术,可去除水中99.9999%的细菌(大肠杆菌,等)、99.999 %的病毒和99.99 %的原生动物(贾第虫,隐孢子虫等),超过美国EPA饮用水标准。本产品直接户外取水,无需自来水或管道供水,是户外探险、组团自驾出游的必备神器。

LifeStraw生命水袋将屡获殊荣的LifeStraw滤水科技整合进一个水瓶中,轻质、耐用的特点使它成为徒步旅行或户外露营乃至日常使用中不可或缺的伙伴。LifeStraw 生命水袋在2014年推出后屡获殊荣,轻巧、耐用,适合于在欠发达国家的旅行中使用。LifeStraw生命水袋不含任何化学成分,无需电池、电源或更换部件不含BPA和化学成分原材料符合美国食品和药监局标准。LifeStraw生命水袋具有可直接灌装湖泊、河流中的水进行饮用,过滤膜孔径仅0.2微米,可滤除水中病毒,野外探险、组团出游的用水神器。

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LifeStraw Mission High-Volume Gravity-Fed Water Purifier, 5 L

Usually ships in 24 hours & Free shipping
Last update was on: March 6, 2025 13:10

$144.95 $154.95

Customer Reviews
  • The 5-liter size is good enough for two people, perhaps two adults and a child. For more people you’re going to want the higher capacity bag or more than one of these 5-liter kits. I wanted to give this an honest trial. I almost went with the pool water but the chlorine and other chemicals worried me and after an email from the company I’m glad I didn’t. Under no circumstances should you attempt to filter pool water. Luckily we received a good amount of rain. Water drains out of our neighborhood through a system of swales and where it runs across our yard we have a good grass base for it to flow across. We took our bag full of water from the front yard and followed all the instructions very carefully. After purging the red valve and bulb I filled a cup from the blue valve side and. . . it tasted as good as the filtered water from our refrigerator. 24 hours later and no adverse effects. This has earned my trust and we’ll happily be adding it to our hurricane supplies.
  • The blue valve is safe water, the red valve is dirty. For both valves horizontal is closed and vertical is open.For years I have been storing water in 5 gallon jugs in the garage for emergency purposes. Every year or so I empty and replace the water. This bag makes that job nearly obsolete as long as you have access to some sort of water (NOT chlorinated). I still will keep one, so that water will be available immediately, but the other four can go.

  • I took my yellow rainwater from rain barrel and filtered it through the Lifestraw Mission. The “clean” water that came out was also yellow. Itested the ppm before I ran through the Lifestraw and it was 145. I tested the ppm after running through Lifestraw and it was 139. I had really high hopes for this, but it just doesn’t seem to work very well.
  • This is a great product. But the lie container bag had a tear in it. Not huge, but noticeable. I’ve fixed it bw a use it was leaking and will soon use it I Namibia in. Africa.