Lytro Illum Light Field Digital Camera $319.95
- bhphotovideo.com offers Lytro Illum Light Field Digital Camera for $319.95.
- Estimated shipping weight 6 lbs.
he Illum Light Field Digital Camera from Lytro is their second-generation light field camera and offers not only an upgraded 40 megaray sensor but a traditionally-styled camera body and lens barrel with touchscreen LCD control, large grip and hot shoe mount. The Illum is a point-and-shoot camera that utilizes the unique Light Field sensor and the Light Field Engine 2.0 for image capture and processing. With a micro-lens array on the sensor it records the color, intensity and direction of light traveling in every direction throughout a scene and creates “living pictures” in which the focus point can be determined after you have shot the image. In addition to adjusting focus points and depth of field on an image, you can change the point of perspective slightly to the left, right, up or down.
这部拥有惊人规格的最新光场相机 Lytro Illum,以有如无反相机的专业外观与更具未来感一些的设计,还有支持闪光灯的热靴与高倍率变焦镜头,吸引到全球摄影师的目光。
搭载的是高于前代 4 倍分辨率号称有 40 Megaray 光场分辨率(可输出 5MP 影像)的 1/1.2 寸感光元件,带来了 13 片镜片所组成、等效 30 – 250mm f/2.0 的不可思议规格 — 更不可思议的还有 0mm 到无限远的夸张近拍距离。而且这部”相机”搭载的不再是传统相机厂普遍喜欢自行命名的处理器,竟然是Qualcomm Snapdragon 801,为相机提供了十分流畅的使用体验。
LYTRO ILLUM 40 Megaray Light Field Camera with Constant F/2.0, 8X Optical...
- Sensor: Capture a deeper picture. LYTRO ILLUM's 40 Mega ray customized sensor, with Lytro's patented micro lens array technology, unlocks the ability to capture the color, intensity and direction of the light rays flowing into the camera.
- Sensor: Capture a deeper picture. LYTRO ILLUM's 40 Mega ray customized sensor, with Lytro's patented micro lens array technology, unlocks the ability to capture the color, intensity and direction of the light rays flowing into the camera.
- Lens: All you need in just one lens. The incredibly versatile 8x optical zoom, 30-250mm equivalent focal length (35 mm equivalent) with a constant f/2 aperture and 1:3 macro lets you take a wide range of shots without ever having to change your lens.
- Lytro Button: Compose your pictures in a new way. During image capture, an interactive depth feedback display shows the relative focus of all objects in the frame, allowing composition in three dimensions.
- Light Field Engine 2.0: Bigger pictures, faster processing. LYTRO ILLUM's powerful in-camera software provides real-time feedback allowing for dramatic composition of every shot.
- Total Control: Perfect balance of tactile controls and touch interface. With a sleek design, LYTRO ILLUM pairs the controls of a high-end camera with a state-of-the-art 4" touchscreen for ultimate flexibility and control.