We are sorry to have suspended the update for more than one year.
From our website open to public, there is some negative comment which has already impacted our customers. So from deep consideration, we have to shut down the website from end of 2017, temporarily stop service from then on.
But we didn’t stop anything, to have better service, we has done ID clearance during this period, remove all ID without name and icon. If we delete your ID by mistake, pls give us another chance to register it when the website reopen later.
And we is re-structuring the website with new technology, we want to provide more service to South East Asia, especially to those friends can read Chinese. We’ll provide the newest product information with Chinese, but we has no plan to provide direct transportation service so far.
Our website plan to re-open on 1 Nov 2019, trial run period will be half a year. During trial run, it will not provide service of new ID registration, login on and comment post. Full functions will be provided later after end of this year.
We’re so sorry about this, appreciated your support always!