National Geographic Atlas of the World, Tenth Edition $104.66

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$97.50 $195.00 BUY NOW

National Geographic Atlas of the World, Tenth Edition

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National Geographic Atlas of the World, Tenth Edition

$97.50 $195.00

Product Description

National Geographic is a renowned authority in cartographic excellence. For 119 years the Society’s maps have helped spread geographic knowledge around the globe. A vast database allows National Geographic to combine the latest data gained by space-age technology with innovative digital mapping techniques to create state-of-the-art political, physical, and thematic maps. The Society’s meticulous research and attention to detail have established a standard of achievement that is unparalleled.

《National Geographic Atlas of the World, Tenth Edition》是国家地理地图系列的顶级产品,于14年9月上市,是National Geographic 与Times 14th一争高下的拳头产品,无论定位、定价还是上市时间都极具针对性,而上市后的市场反响也相当不错。虽然在整体的内容详尽程度上略逊于《泰晤士世界地图集(第14版)》,但其对美国、欧洲等国家地区的内容表现反而比泰晤士版要好,因此在美亚同类地图中销量排名第一。

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National Geographic Atlas of the World, Tenth Edition

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Last update was on: February 18, 2025 08:24

$116.62 $195.00

Customer Reviews
  • This reference book covers locations of the worlds countries and gives pictures that allow the student to get an understanding of the county. Combining state-of-the-art cartographic technology and information with dynamic and diverse physiographic and cultural content
  • This is a gigantic and amazing reference book – however. Information about anything and everything can be found in this edition. Very heavy but makes an amazing coffee table book and/or a gift. It would truly make a gorgeous gift or a lovely addition to one’s home. I bought it for my husband and he couldn’t stop raving about it.
  • This is THE World Atlas. National Geographic has the best maps hands down, no competition. This book covers it all with statistics on the countries, the flags and all esential data.

  • Too big and awkward, will donate to library. I should have gotten a globe the is updateable in today’s world.
  • Much bigger than anticipated. Doesn’t really work on a coffee table!