NETGEAR ProSAFE GS108T 8Port Gigabit Smart Managed Switch $49.99

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$49.99 $129.99 BUY NOW
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NETGEAR ProSAFE GS108T 8Port Gigabit Smart Managed Switch

$49.99 $129.99

Product Description

NETGEAR’s family of Prosafe® Gigabit Smart Switches is purposely designed for SMB customers with high performance, SMB-oriented features and easy management. With 8 10/100/1000 Mbps ports, each capable of powering 2000 Mbps of data throughput in full-duplex mode per port, the GS108T is an ideal solution for extending network connections into conference room, labs, lobbies and department workgroups. It enables SMB networks to support Voice over IP (VoIP), streaming media, multicasting, security, and many other bandwidth-intensive applications like ERP and large file transfers. The GS108T comes with a comprehensive set of features, such as access control lists (ACL), 802.1x port authentication, enhanced QoS, rate limiting and IGMP snooping among others to provide a small or medium-sized business with a network that is geared for growth while ensuring performance and reliability.

In addition, the GS108T supports IEEE 802.3af standard for Power over Ethernet (PoE). It can obtain its power from either a PoE source or from an external AC power adapter. This gives an SMB flexibility when installing the switch in places where a power outlet is not present.

NETGEAR GS108T 千兆以太网交换机具有8个 10/100/1000Mbps 端口,在全双工模式下每端口能提供最高 2000Mbps 的数据吞吐量。在功能方面,除了提供了全面的功能如访问控制列表(ACL)、802.1x 端口认证、增强的 QoS、速率限制和 IGMP Snooping 等,也支持以太网供电(PoE)标准,这样一些POE的监控设备就可以直接使用,无需转换模块,也方便了用户在一些不方便连接电源线的地方弹性部署交换机。

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