Parallels POWER BUNDLE $49.99 81% OFF
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Buy or Upgrade to Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac get the 7 most talked about apps for FREE!
US $49.99 or MYR 219.51
Parallels Power Bundle Include :
Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac $79.99
1Password $49.99
PDF Expert $59.99
CleanMyMac 3 $39.99
Hider 2 $19.99
Kaspersky for Mac $59.99
PDF Office for iPad $39.99
Parallels Access $19.99
Product Description
Parallels Desktop 是目前公认的 Mac 平台上最强的虚拟机软件,通过它你可以在苹果 Mac 电脑上运行高性能的 Windows 虚拟系统以及 Windows 应用。不仅速度流畅,甚至还能支持 3D 游戏、USB3.0 等等新特性!
通过 Parallels Desktop for Mac,您可以无缝地同时运行 Windows 和 Mac OS X 应用程序,无需重启。在 Windows 与 Mac 应用程序之间拖放文件并直接从 Mac dock 启动 Windows 应用程序。毫不夸张地说,Parallels Desktop 绝对是 Mac 平台上最值得花钱购买的软件之一.
Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac
- Seamlessly run Windows applications side by side with OS X applications
- Easily switch from PC to Mac. With the Parallels Wizard get all your files, apps, bookmarks, and personal files from your PC to your Mac
Last update was on: February 3, 2025 02:59
- Seamlessly run Windows applications side by side with OS X applications
- Easily switch from PC to Mac. With the Parallels Wizard get all your files, apps, bookmarks, and personal files from your PC to your Mac
- Optimized for Windows 10 and ready for OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Full Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Google Chrome and Linux support
- 1-click presets to ensure uncompromised performance and unleash the ultimate Mac
- Easily copy and paste and drag and drop text and files between Windows and Mac