Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Sonic Electric Toothbrush, Black, HX9352/04 £89.99

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  • offers Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Sonic Electric Toothbrush, Black, HX9352/04 for £89.99.
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Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Sonic Electric Toothbrush, Black, HX9352/04

£89.99 £250.00

Product Description

飞利浦声波震动牙刷HX9352,是飞利浦电动牙刷的旗舰型号,曾经获得2012年德国红点设计大奖(Red dot design award),采用微爆气流技术,利用压缩空气形成高速水雾,高速水雾能分解和清除牙齿间牙刷无法触及的牙菌斑,轻柔有力地清洁牙间隙。配备DiamondClean牙刷头,创新菱形刷毛,比传统刷毛更能有效清除牙菌斑。五种模式:清洁、亮白、抛光、牙龈保健、敏感,最高每分钟31000次刷洗,带充电玻璃杯,只要将牙刷放入杯中即可充电。玻璃杯也可在刷牙后用于漱口。建议在首次使用前充电24小时,如果每天使用一次喷气式洁牙器,可无需充电持续使用三个星期。

Taking care of your oral health is easy with the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Toothbrush. This rechargeable power toothbrush offers Sonicare’s best plaque removal and whitening system, featuring patented Sonic technology and brush heads with diamond-shaped bristles that gently brush away plaque. Five cleaning modes provide a custom cleaning experience, and the Smartimer and Quadpacer ensure you brush adequately and evenly. For your convenience, DiamondClean includes a sleek charging glass and a USB charging travel case. The product needs to be charged for at least 24 hours in order to fully charge the battery.The product may still deliver up to an additional 12 uses after the battery indicator has first started to flash in an amber color. The amber color is an indicator that the handle needs to be charged. When charging multiple products be sure to have them sufficiently spaced apart [at least six inches]; when placed closer together, products may not charge correctly.

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Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Sonic Electric Toothbrush, Black, HX9352/04

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