Samsung Gear VR – Virtual Reality Headset $49.99

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Samsung Gear VR - Virtual Reality Headset

$89.99 $99.99

Product Description

The Samsung Gear VR is a mobile virtual reality headset developed by Samsung Electronics, in collaboration with Oculus, and manufactured by Samsung.The Gear VR headset also includes a touchpad and back button on the side, as well as a proximity sensor to detect when the headset is on.When in use, a compatible Samsung Galaxy device acts as the headset’s display and processor, while the Gear VR unit itself acts as the controller. It’s smaller, lighter, cheaper. But, more importantly, its content library has exploded, with more VR apps and games than ever before. Virtual reality has finally gone mainstream, and there’s no better way to get started than with the new Gear VR.

Samsung 三星Gear VR是目前效果最棒的和最容易使用的头戴式装备,不过它只兼容三星的S6及以上手机, 售价也不便宜,亚马逊常年在99刀。从使用者的感受来讲,这是一款佩戴感非常舒适的眼罩产品,同时不管在价格还是易用性上,都能够为中高端消费者带来“足够好”的虚拟现实体验。不过相对于让人满意的硬件来说,Gear VR的软件体验还有较大的提升空间,尽管其发布在商店的软件保持了每周一次的更新速度,但是其内容还是比较一般,尤其是游戏。话虽这么说,但几家媒体和到手的VR粉丝都评价Gear VR是迄今为止最棒的虚拟现实设备。抛开这些短板,Gear VR是目前VR里最好的选择。相比于Cardboard,Gear VR提升的质量和舒适度是显著的。而且,随着手机上的传感器越来越精准,Gear VR的体验也会越来越好。

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Samsung Gear VR - Virtual Reality Headset

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