38% off! Segway miniPRO Smart Self Balancing Personal Transporter with Mobile App Control $499.00
- Amazon.com offers the Segway miniPRO Smart Self Balancing Personal Transporter for $499.00.
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- Estimated shipping weight 2 lbs.
- 不能直邮到海外,建议走转运,近期低价,发货重量约2磅。
Segway miniPRO Smart Self Balancing Personal Transporter
There’s a new form of transportation. Step on a Segway miniPRO and feel the speed and magic of the latest technology. This amazing device automatically keeps you balanced and reads your movements. Want to go forward? Lean forward. The high-performance, cutting-edge control technology works in tandem with various sensors and advanced processors for maximum flexibility and ease of use. The miniPRO can cope easily with all normal road conditions. Go wherever, whenever. Explore the wonder of the Segway miniPRO and look for new adventures.
- Connect to the mobile app via Bluetooth for full features: remote control operation, anti-theft alarm, speed control, customizable lights, vehicle diagnostics, and firmware updates.
- UL 2272 Certified unit meets high standards of fire and electrical safety set by world-renown global safety science company Underwriters Laboratories.
- 220 lbs payload, light-weight, and durable aircraft-grade magnesium alloy frame and 10.5 inch pneumatic air-filled tires with military-grade shock absorption capability
- Padded knee bar maximizes comfort and enables precision steering for more ergonomic control than hoverboards and electric scooters that rely on foot-pivot steering.
Segway,中文名赛格威,来自英文单词“Segue”,意为“流畅平顺地走”,是一种电力驱动、具有自我平衡能力的个人用运输载具。拥有航空级别的镁合金框架,可承重220磅,十分轻便。10.5英寸的轮胎提供军事级抗震性能,最高时速为10mph,最大行驶里程为14英里,内置800瓦双引擎,膝盖控制杆能够带来舒适的精密转向。通过了严格的UL 2272火灾电器安全标准,可以通过移动端APP蓝牙控制。
Segway miniPRO Smart Self Balancing Personal Transporter with Mobile App Control, White
- Connect to the mobile app via Bluetooth for full features: remote control operation, anti-theft alarm, speed control, customizable lights, vehicle diagnostics, and firmware updates.
- UL 2272 Certified unit meets high standards of fire and electrical safety set by world-renown global safety science company Underwriters Laboratories.
- Connect to the mobile app via Bluetooth for full features: remote control operation, anti-theft alarm, speed control, customizable lights, vehicle diagnostics, and firmware updates.
- UL 2272 Certified unit meets high standards of fire and electrical safety set by world-renown global safety science company Underwriters Laboratories.
- 220 lbs payload, light-weight, and durable aircraft-grade magnesium alloy frame and 10.5 inch pneumatic air-filled tires with military-grade shock absorption capability
- Padded knee bar maximizes comfort and enables precision steering for more ergonomic control than hoverboards and electric scooters that rely on foot-pivot steering.