
25% off! Endding soon! Skagen Hagen Connected Hybrid Smartwatch $153.75

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$153.75 $205.00 BUY NOW
Deal Score+8
$153.75 $205.00 BUY NOW

Deals & Coupons Detail Info

  • Amazon.com offers the Skagen Hagen Connected Hybrid Smartwatch for $153.75.
  • Free Shipping to US on orders over $50.
  • Estimated shipping weight 2 lbs.
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Skagen Hagen Connected Hybrid Smartwatch

$153.75 $205.00


Skagen Hagen Connected Hybrid Smartwatch

Product Description

Hagen Connected Hybrid Smartwatch

The Hagen Connected hybrid smartwatch combines innovative technology with classic design. Features include automatic time and date adjustment, activity and goal tracking, sleep tracking, filtered email and text notifications, dual-time function, alarm and SKAGEN Link technology, which allows the wearer to snap a photo, control their music and more—all with the push of a button. Hagen Connected is compatible with iOS and Android and syncs wirelessly to the SKAGEN app. The watch runs on a standard coin-cell battery with a four- to six-month battery life.

  • Stainless Steel Mesh
  • The Hagen Connected hybrid smartwatch combines innovative technology with classic design – no-charge hybrid smartwatches feature built-in activity tracking, filtered notifications, and automatic time and date adjustment.
  • Snap a photo, ring your phone, control your music and more with the customizable Skagen link button.
  • Track your everyday accomplishments including steps, distance, and calories burned and monitor your sleep duration and quality.
  • When a notification or alert arrives for an important text, email or app update, a gentle buzz lets you know right away.
  • This stylish wrist essential is always on, always connected with a battery life up to six months (based on usage) and automatically syncs to your phone. Compatible with phones running Android OS 4.4+ or iPhone 5/iOS 8.2+.

这款Hagen Connected 男士智能腕表是SKAGEN推出首款智能产品,与其它智能表不同的是,它由纽扣电池供电,无需充电,据航时间在4-6个月左右;外观可以说是Hagen Connected的拿手绝活,简洁的表盘不会显得很有科技感,却让人看起来十分庄重,表盘直径为42毫米,厚度11毫米,丝毫不显得笨重,不锈钢表带与矿物水晶不论是搭配休闲还是正装都很适宜;30米防水、不锈钢表带与矿物水晶表蒙,提高了手表的耐用性;功能方面当下流行的智能穿戴功能在这款表上均有配备:自动调整时区、信息提醒、运动和睡眠追踪、远程控制手机甚至提醒喝水功能。

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Skagen Hagen Connected Steel-Mesh Hybrid Smartwatch

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