Spectacles by Snap Inc. – Black $129.99
- Amazon.com offers the Spectacles by Snap Inc. for $129.99.
- Free Shipping to US on orders over $50.
- Estimated shipping weight 2 lbs.
- 不能直邮到海外,建议走转运,近期低价,发货重量约2磅。
Spectacles by Snap Inc.
What are Spectacles?
Spectacles are the most fun way to make memories and then relive them later! In short, Specs are sunglasses that Snap! — allowing you to capture life from your perspective. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, Specs make it easy to capture the moment without interrupting what you’re doing.
Spectacles capture and save Snaps in a new circular video format that mimics the field of vision captured by the human eye. Within Snapchat, Snaps can be played full-screen, in any orientation. Just rotate your phone! Spectacles’ circular video is designed to work with rotation view, only in Snapchat. You can also download Spectacles videos to your phone’s camera roll. These videos will be circular.
How to use Spectacles
To record up to a 10-second video Snap, simply tap the button on the left-hand temple. Tap again for an additional 10 seconds, up to 30 seconds. Press and hold to stop recording. Specs can capture up to 100 Snaps on one charge!
Spectacles feature both outward-facing and inward-facing lights to indicate to you and the world around you when you’re recording.
Snaps taken with Spectacles transfer wirelessly into your Snapchat Memories section. To find the Memories section, just swipe up from the Snapchat camera screen. Once Spectacles Snaps import into Memories, you can send them to friends in Snapchat or post them to your Story. You can also edit them by “pressing and holding” just like other Snaps in Memories — add doodles, Filters that were available when you took your Snaps, Stickers, captions, and more.
The charging case holds four full charges so Spectacles are always ready to go!
Spectacles work with Snapchat on compatible iOS & Android devices.
- Capture the Moment: Spectacles are sunglasses that Snap! Record from your perspective with the press of a button.
- Up to 30 Seconds: Spectacles capture video, moment-by-moment. Record for 10, 20, or 30 seconds at a time!
- Record in HD: Connect to Spectacles over Wi-Fi to import your Snaps in HD. You can send them on Snapchat, or export them to another app or your device’s camera roll!
- On-The-Go Charging: Spectacles can capture up to 100 Snaps on one charge. Power them back up in their charging case, which can hold up to 4 full charges at a time!
- The Full Package: You’ll receive a new pair of Spectacles, a charging case, a charging cable, a cleaning cloth, a quick start guide, and info about your 1-year warranty!
这款酷炫的眼镜来自著名的社交软件Snapchat所属公司,Snap Inc.。从外观上看,大多数人可能觉得这个和其他的太阳镜比别无二致,但是它其实超酷炫!因为每个镜片上都安有广角摄像头,只要按下镜架上的按钮,用户就可以录制10秒长的视频!连按三下,可以录制最长30秒的视频。录制完之后可以直接传到手机里。
Spectacles by Snap Inc. - Black
- Capture the Moment: Spectacles are sunglasses that Snap! Record from your perspective with the press of a button.
- Up to 30 Seconds: Spectacles capture video, moment-by-moment. Record for 10, 20, or 30 seconds at a time!
- Capture the Moment: Spectacles are sunglasses that Snap! Record from your perspective with the press of a button.
- Up to 30 Seconds: Spectacles capture video, moment-by-moment. Record for 10, 20, or 30 seconds at a time!
- Record in HD: Connect to Spectacles over Wi-Fi to import your Snaps in HD. You can send them on Snapchat, or export them to another app or your device's camera roll!
- On-The-Go Charging: Spectacles can capture up to 100 Snaps on one charge. Power them back up in their charging case, which can hold up to 4 full charges at a time!
- The Full Package: You'll receive a new pair of Spectacles, a charging case, a charging cable, a cleaning cloth, a quick start guide, and info about your 1-year warranty!