TomTom Runner Cardio (White) (Discontinued by Manufacturer) $99.00
Deal Score+1
Deal Score+1
Deals & Coupons Detail Info
- Amazon.com offers the TomTom Runner Cardio (White) for $99.00.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is $16.47.
- No tax.
- Total payment in USD is $115.47.
Product Description
Using a TomTom GPS Sport Watch is the easiest way to improve your running.
The all new TomTom Runner Cardio gives you real time running information when you need and a built-in heart rate monitor so you can get more out of every run.
TomTom Runner Cardio 是一款针对跑步运动的GPS心率表,是2013年的Runner的内置光学心率计升级版。采用主体和表带可拆卸式设计,可自行更换个性表带。结合直测心率技术可以设定运动最佳心率区间,并有五档心率强度可选,分别是放松、燃脂、持久、速度和冲刺,设定后手表会报警提示用户是该加速还是减速。锻炼完成后手表还会通过手机自动上传训练数据,便于用户查看和分析。遗憾的是心率功能可能因肤色和环境光影响准确性。
TomTom Runner Cardio GPS Watch - White
- Indoor Running - Yes.
- Outdoor Running - Yes.
- Cycling - No.
- Dedicated Bike Mount - No.
- Swimming - No.
Last update was on: February 5, 2025 14:29
- Indoor Running - Yes.
- Outdoor Running - Yes.
- Cycling - No.
- Dedicated Bike Mount - No.
- Swimming - No.