TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black $229.99

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$229.99 $299.99 BUY NOW

TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black

TomTom Spark Cardio Music Small Black (Headphone Bundle)

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to Malaysia — RM1050

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  • Shipping fee to Malaysia is $16.08.
  • Import Fees Deposit is $24.61.
  • Total payment in USD is $270.68.

to Singapore — S$310

  • offers the TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black for $229.99.
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  • Total payment in USD is $229.99.

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  • offers the TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black for $229.99.
  • Shipping fee to China is $3.18.
  • Import Fees Deposit is $69.00.
  • Total payment in USD is $302.17.
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TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black

$229.99 $299.99

Product Description

This TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black is a fitness tracker for just about everyone: training, Run, Bike, Gym, Swim and Treadmill can all record their workouts and monitor their heart rates with it.You’re also getting the ability to listen to music during your workout without your phone nearby. In addition to a large monochrome display, a lightweight design, and good battery life, the Spark has local storage for your favorite tunes. It’s a solid choice if you’re looking to seamlessly incorporate music into your workout.This set includes fitness tracking, GPS, 3GB of music storage, and a heart rate monitor. All of the trackers are waterproof, and can be submerged up to 130 feet. Color options include combinations of black, blue, pink, purple, or white. Our review model is all-black.

TomTom Spark Cardio Music

这款TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black 心率表,除了GPS和光学心率之外,还内置3GB的存储空间,通过电脑能支持拷贝音乐文件到手表中,不用手机就能随时听歌。不过手表上面没有扬声器,需要通过与蓝牙耳机配对后使用,本次推荐的是带蓝牙耳机豪华版。手表采用单键操作,使用便捷,能够支持包括跑步、自行车、健身房、跑步机、游泳等多项运行,日常的计步器、睡眠监控等自然是必备的。在续航方面,一般使用续航时间可以达到2周左右,使用GPS的话续航在11个小时左右,如果同时开启音乐播放,则只能坚持5小时左右。

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TomTom Spark Cardio + Music Small Black (Headphone Bundle)

Usually ships in 24 hours
Last update was on: February 20, 2025 07:00
Customer Reviews
  • This is the only watch in the market right now that gives you the music option with a fairly accurate GPS tracking system. Syncs with fitness apps in a breeze. Buy it if you want to leave your phone at home! I work in healthcare and measured it manually and it was accurate at rest. There are HR intensity zones where you can set it in your workout goals – it will alarm you if you are pushing too hard or too little. I am a beginner so right now it is a novelty that I barely use.Garmin may do stuff better but I still have to bring my phone – why buy a Garmin when I can use my phone as a gps anyway! I don’t get it.
  • Plays music without your phone. Tracks bicycling, running, sleeping, swimming, walking. Accurate heart rate monitor. Large display. Good battery life. Lightweight. Waterproof.
  • It’s quite simple: if you want a sports watch that has a GPS, heart rate monitor, and music all-in-one, this watch delivers on all three dimensions. This is a watch for active people that want freedom from the phone. While it can serve as an adequate daily activity, step, and sleep tracker, this watch is firmly positioned for the active person across all sports/activities given its waterproof design and simpe operation. For those people that loved the freedom provided by the MotoActv, this appears to be the logical next watch. While people may expect a touchscreen and videos (e.g. The Adidas miCoach), this watch is geared more towards athletes who already know there workout plan.

  • Dull design. Limited app. GPS takes a while to lock on. Adding music is cumbersome.
  • Bluetooth headphone support is very limited, as in only 6 different models are supported. Even when a pair of headphones worked, they would often cutout. Heart rate monitor is slow to react to changes and I could not pair with external heart rate sensor. Very little workout summary info available on watch. Music controls on watch are basically non-existent, you must reach up and use the buttons on your headphones. After a week of use, the watch just froze up one day when I plugged it into the USB dock, displaying a black screen and not responding to any type of charging (computer or wall power), and would not reset.
  • The biggest problem I have is it stopped downloading data onto my computer or phone. It worked the first couple of times, but now it just keeps telling me I have no new data. The only thing this is good for is to watch my heart rate zone, while I’m working out, which can be done by other less expensive products.