Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2TB Portable Hard Drive, Silver $79.99

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Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2TB Portable Hard Drive, Silver

$79.99 $189.00

Product Description

This Toshiba’s Canvio Connect II portable Hard Drive from Toshiba lets you store files in a centralized place next to your computer, giving easy access to the files whenever needed while keeping the data protected. The included NTI Backup Now EZ2 software scans the system and offers customizable backup options. By clicking the restore button a file, folder, or entire system can be recovered. Backups can be scheduled to run automatically at any time ensuring that files are always protected. Backup files are secured with password-protected data encryption (up to 256-bit), to prevent unauthorized access.Equipped with full system backup and recovery software, it’s a complete solution right at your fingertips.

此款Toshiba 东芝 Connect II硬盘,对应国内的型号为V8 Canvio,属于东芝移动硬盘系统中的高端新品,主打分享功能。外观一改从前,矩形倒圆角外壳四周设有防震缓冲垫,边角带有LED指示灯,接口处同样采用特殊的咬合设计,整体外观看起来很简洁又不失设计感。新品保留了手机访问功能,通过PC上面的软件,可以通过手机远程访问和管理硬盘,注册用户还可得到额外的10G云空间,可用来同步硬盘和云空间的资料。此款2TB容量的移动硬盘,厚度为19.5mm,尺寸109*78mm。

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Toshiba Canvio Connect II 2TB Portable Hard Drive, Silver (HDTC820XC3C1)

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Last update was on: March 1, 2025 16:04

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