WMF GOURMET PLUS 720056030 5-Piece Saucepan Set €249
- Amazon.de offers the WMF GOURMET PLUS 720056030 5-Piece Saucepan Set for €249. Price drops to €209.24 at check out.
- Shipping fee to Malaysia is €90.47.
- Import Fees Deposit is €79.43.
- Total payment in EUR is €379.14.
Contents: 1x sauce pan 20 cm (holds 2.5 l), 1x saucepan Ø 16 (holds 1.9 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 20 (holds 3.7 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 24 cm (holds 5.7 l) all with lids, 1 x stewing pot without lid
Material: Cromargan 18/10 rustproof matt stainless steel, dishwasher-safe, suitable for induction
Seal of approval: Transtherm universal base, logo etched on to pan
Transtherm universal base
Stable and indestructible
WMF GOURMET PLUS 720056030 5-Piece Saucepan Set 不锈钢锅9件套,该系列的所有产品均由容易保养的Cromargan®高品质不锈钢做成,锅身厚重,专业品质,表面哑光处理。所有锅具的内壁有容量刻度,方便识别。TransTherm®多用途锅底,热均匀,储热时间长。重身非嵌入式锅盖可以紧密地置于锅身上,并便于再需要时轻易移开。不锈钢手柄,把握手感舒适;防烫手设计,经长时间烹调手柄依然不会过热而烫手。值得一提的是,同一系列的不同锅具可以互相补充,材质和设计风格都能互相搭配。
WMF GOURMET PLUS 720056030 5-Piece Saucepan Set
- Contents: 1x sauce pan 20 cm (holds 2.5 l), 1x saucepan Ø 16 (holds 1.9 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 20 (holds 3.7 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 24 cm (holds 5.7 l) all with lids, 1 x stewing pot without lid
- Material: Cromargan 18/10 rustproof matt stainless steel, dishwasher-safe, suitable for induction
- Contents: 1x sauce pan 20 cm (holds 2.5 l), 1x saucepan Ø 16 (holds 1.9 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 20 (holds 3.7 l), 1 x saucepan Ø 24 cm (holds 5.7 l) all with lids, 1 x stewing pot without lid
- Material: Cromargan 18/10 rustproof matt stainless steel, dishwasher-safe, suitable for induction
- Seal of approval: Transtherm universal base, logo etched on to pan
- Transtherm universal base
- Stable and indestructible